
I have experience writing short- and long-form pieces in a range of voices from playful to professional. Versed in all stages of the content creation process—editing, writing, outlining, and concepting—as well as the related aspects of publishing, optimizing for search engines, and marketing.


Chronological Listing of Writing Samples

Allison’s Favorite Power Tools

April 27, 2020 | Girls Garage | Blog Post

Profile of a carpenter and instructor, who shares her must-have power tools for building, renovation, and repair.

Steps for Critique: Translating the Visual into the Verbal

April 19, 2019 | TRY Studio | Blog Post

A critique is a process for assessing and discussing a piece of art in order to better understand it.

Composition Art Lab

April 1, 2019 | Composition Art Lab | Ebook, Online Class

Composition refers to the way different components are structured to form a whole. The arrangement of the constituents of an image should draw the viewer in, then guide their focus to specific visual elements, applying (or breaking) rules and conventions regarding composition, storytelling, and design. An image that is visually arresting and well-structured will more effectively convey a narrative, evoke a feeling, transfer information, or provoke delight. This class consists of 30 related concepts—each covering an important art principle—presented with an easy-to-follow explanation, visual examples, further reading and resources, and hands-on creative assignments to demonstrate the topic.

What are Art Fundamentals and Why Study Them?

February 21, 2019 | TRY Studio | Blog Post

There are foundational concepts that can help us break down what we are seeing, interpret meaning, and productively discuss art. That knowledge enables us not only engage thoughtfully with the images we encounter—art, journalism, social media, advertising, design, etc.—but also to improve our own creative work.

How to Understand a Subject: Repeated Viewing and Persistent Redoing

February 4, 2019 | TRY Studio | Blog Post

Reworking the same subject reveals that our first attempt is not always the best, and is rarely the only solution.

Pigment Hunt: Oakland, CA

December 3, 2018 | Limn Colors | Blog Post

Recap of an ochre hike in the Oakland hills and subsequent paintmaking with wild pigments. During the trek, we learned about the Ohlone culture, the geography, geology, and ochre-based traditions.

Ultramarine Blue

February 13, 2018 | Limn Colors | Blog Post

The original ultramarine blue was made from the precious mineral lapis lazuli, a paint too pricy even for Michelangelo. In 1828, synthetic ultramarine blue pigment brought affordable, bright blue to every palette.

Caput Mortuum

June 29, 2017 | Limn Colors | Blog Post

Caput mortuum watercolor is made from a rich red-brown hematite natural iron oxide that produces beautiful color variation and sediment. The pigment this paint is named for, also known as mummy brown, has a fascinating history is alchemy and Egyptomania.

Cadmium Red

May 26, 2017 | Limn Colors | Blog Post

Chemically, the synthetic inorganic pigment PR108 is cadmium sulfoselenide: a mix of cadmium sulfide (cadmium yellow) and cadmium selenide. Cadmium red is a powerful paint the color of summer tomatoes, iconic lipstick, and London's double decker buses.

Orchestrating the Apparel Supply Chain

January 21, 2016 | GT Nexus | Blog Post

Diving into the denim supply chain uncovers great examples of supply chain segmentation, ethical and sustainable manufacturing, and supplier collaboration. Jeansmakers are implementing innovative processes and partnerships that elevate how they deliver your favorite piece of clothing.

Even Simple Objects are a Reminder of Supply Chain Complexity

November 3, 2015 | GT Nexus | Blog Post

An introduction to the Journey of Jeans infographic, this post describes how difficult it is to explain all the components and processes involved with producing a common item.

The Consumer Goods Supply Chain Trifecta

September 25, 2014 | Consumer Goods Technology News | Magazine Article

It’s a balancing act to find a strategy that settles somewhere between increasing top line revenue through market growth and maintaining reasonable levels of inventory and profitability. Manufacturers are constantly trying to find the perfect mix of good enough, fast enough, and cheap enough to reduce costs and increase service at the same time.

How Supply Chain Segmentation Can Save the Day in Emerging Markets

July 22, 2014 | GT Nexus (ghostwritten) | Blog Post

A one-size-fits-all supply chain forces manufacturers to choose between high-service/high-cost and lower-service/low-cost strategies regardless of the variety of products flowing through. Supply chain segmentation aims to align the movement of goods with the needs of the target customer.

Assurance of Supply - A Hypothetical Case Study

June 26, 2014 | GT Nexus (ghostwritten) | Blog Post

When people think of supply risks, they often think of hurricanes, tsunamis, and earthquakes. However, the mini-disasters that threaten your supply chain every day are what usually ruins a fantastic outlook for the quarter. It’s time your supply chain group starts telling a different story.

Transportation in New Markets: Why the Old Way Won’t Work

May 21, 2014 | GT Nexus (ghostwritten) | Blog Post

Transportation strategy is not one-size-fits-all. It’s not that companies don’t understand this. It’s that they’re not equipped to handle the volatility and unpredictability that comes with new and emerging markets.

ERP Is Not Enough: New Supply Chain Technology

March 11, 2014 | GT Nexus (ghostwritten) | Blog Post

Don’t fall victim to the sunk cost fallacy – the fact that you’re heavily entrenched in a system does not mean you should keep investing in it to do something that it simply is not designed to do. Companies must bolster enterprise IT with cloud solutions that extend functionality and connect the network of trading partners.

Smarter Outsourcing Strategies for Your Manufacturing Supply Chain

February 18, 2014 | GT Nexus (ghostwritten) | Blog Post

If there’s a dollar of inefficiency anywhere in your supply chain, even if that squandered dollar is on your partner’s books, it will hit your bottom line. Outsourcing is not about passing inefficient processes to your partners; it’s about pairing your strengths with theirs to become best-in-class.

Why “Out of Sight, Out of Mind” is Not an Inventory Strategy

January 21, 2014 | GT Nexus (ghostwritten) | Blog Post

People stick inventory on a shelf in order to feel good. It’s an insurance policy. In reality, the more inventory you have collecting dust, the less of a solution it really is. If it’s not moving, it’s not making money.

Connectivity-Visibility-Optimization: Three Keys to a Successful Supply Chain Trading Partner Network

January 2013  | Inbound Logistics (ghostwritten) | Magazine Article

A single source of truth garnered from real-time information provides a competitive advantage and the flexibility needed to maneuver in an increasingly competitive world.

Articles by Amanda Hinton