Homeslice App
Homeslice is an app for homeowners to manage maintenance and repair activities for their home/s. Now homeowners can stay on top of the recurring needs of the property—from roof inspection to gutter cleaning to appliance upkeep—extending and protecting the value and safety of their home.
Users can create, edit, and delete properties, subscribe to suggested routine upkeep and improvement events, and create their own custom tasks with deadlines for completion.
Built with JavaScript, Express, React, Redux, Thunk, Node.js, CSS, PostgreSQL, Sequelize, Heroku, and Git/Github.
Feature list, user stories, database schema, and more on project wiki:
Project highlights:
Built fullstack app—from user stories to hosted deployment—including frontend, backend, and database design, with laser-focus on solving an actual customer problem
Handled flow of information between React forms, Express services, and Sequelize queries; managed application state with Redux and Thunk; ensured data integrity with error handling and middleware
Authenticated/authorized in frontend and backend so users can securely access and manipulate data related to their account
The entrance screen welcomes users to the app and explains its value.
Users can add one or more properties to their account and track maintenance for each of them individually. Homes include a photo, address, and additional information that might be useful for vendors performing the maintenance or repair.
Users can select from a list of routine home upkeep events, which include a name, description, deadline date, time interval for the number of days suggested between completing the event. All information is customizable to better suit the home, but pre-populated for ease of use.
Home dashboard
The dashboard for each home includes an editable card for the property and the next task that should be performed.
Below, a list (ordered by date) of all upcoming maintenance ad repair events scheduled for that home.
When the “next task” has been completed, it will be replaced by a new task. All tasks can be quickly edited or rescheduled from the dashboard.